Catch a Coach Bundle

For those of you trying to identify and encourage that special man or woman on your team that is 'coach material' we recommend the Catch a Coach Bundle* for $750.  Here is what comes with this package:

  • 10 hours of our time - onsite (or remote if you chose).  This rate is more than 20% discounted!  During this time we will focus on the following:

    • Work with you to identify that man or woman you feel has BAS coaching potential.
    • Work with that person doing any of the things listed in the New Customer Bundle.
    • Provide an outline of how to proceed as you home grow your very own BAS coach, for example:
      • What technical trainings may help
      • What little projects they can start right away to gain more confidence
      • Help determine how much time to allocate in your new coaches' work week for pursuing this honorable profession
      • Help you determine if a more experienced BAS coach could be of assistance to coach your coach for a season or two.
We hope to hear from you soon and look forward to serving you!  Fill out the contact form at the right if you would like to schedule a System Review in the near future.

*Specials listed on this site are not to be used in combination.  Traveling fees will be assessed for onsite visits more than 25 miles from home (central Grand Rapids, MI).

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